Sunday, February 14, 2010

Flowers and Bees (No Birds)

September seems long, long ago.  Here are some sedum in my autumn garden with busy bees.
Join up with TODAY'S FLOWERS #80 for lots more flowers.


  1. Your sedum is very pretty, I lvoe the pink color too.

  2. Lovely sedum flower pictures!
    No flowers - no bees..
    No bees - no flowers..
    - Cheers Gisela.

  3. Pat: So nicely captured, I love Sedum for this exact reason with the bees and butterflies.

  4. Nice shot of your sedum and the bees!

  5. Hi Pat, The star like flowers of sedum are so attractive. This is a delicious colour, the bees think so as well. I have two different ones but both have sort of creamy white flower. Great pictures.

  6. Pat, I forgot to tell how lovely your home looks with the greenery hugging it, perfect. Very inviting header!


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