Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Peony Patch Glory

Earlier this month at the peak of glory, between rain showers, I took some pictures and picked some more peonies.

I spy a grape vine wriggling its way into to the peony patch.

But all good things come to an end.

So lovely and so fleeting. Catch up with gardens growing around the world on Today's Flowers # 250.


  1. This is a fantastic variety of flowers Pat. So happy you shared them with Today's Flowers, thank you very, very much :)

    Happy week to you,
    Today’s Flowers
    An English Girl Rambles

  2. Those are beautiful! I wish they could grow here in southeast Texas. My Mother had several plants at our home in northwest Arkansas but as I recall every time they were in full bloom we would get a heavy rain.
    Thanks for sharing!


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