Monday, September 27, 2010

Boy Room Makeover

Our boys had no fancy PB or RH nursery.  They had plain IKEA cribs bolted into one for about a year.  Then the cribs were reconfigured into the original two.  When they started escaping over the top we took out an upright slat in each one.  E REALLY liked to sleep with T.

Nap time was party down time.  They would tilt any pictures, empty all drawers, take all toys, grab all books and stash them under the rug, behind the radiators, beneath the big floor pillows.  Everyday.  So no "decor" for them.   They graduated to big boy IKEA beds and storage drawers.  But still were limited to minimal decor.  When nap time left us (early on) more things did go into the room.  Trophies.  Ribbons.  Lego models.  They displayed things on the chests I fixed up with maps of the favorite surfing beaches in NJ and NC.
Now that third grade is upon us the guys want desk space in their room.  Not sure how effective this will be since they do their work at the kitchen table after school.  This is their room in the throes of  rearrangement.
 This is the result.  Chances of it looking this good beyond a week are slim.
 For the moment neat.

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