Thursday, May 2, 2013

La Clementine: Interior

Continuing with the interiors of
 La Cuisine:  Then
Now:  Looking down into la cuisine.  Stairs to the cave and laundry to the right.

 L'entree most used.

Up stairs from la cuisine we find le Salon, then:
 Powder room to the right of the main door to the eastern terrace.
 Looking down from la chambre level.
Up the stair from the cuisine is la Bibliotheque level.

 View of the valley
 Looking up from the salon bathroom door to the left.
Main chambre a coucher (sorry, can't figure out the accent marks) is up some more stairs steps.  If you're counting there are five levels total.

Looking back to the steps.
Second set of beds.

The viewing the valley.
Living in a cave brings many visitors.  Here are "the Girls" as the spiders were dubbed.  They earn their keep in flies.
More to come:  The Valley.

1 comment:

  1. The light on the ceiling/walls make it magic. This is living IN the mountain. These stones will be there for centuries.


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